Online resources for blind and visually impaired learners


The Tower Hamlets Sensory Impairment Team have suggested a couple of sites for blind or visually impaired learners.


PositiveEye gives creative ideas for teaching and learning, many posted on Youtube, as well as bringing together information from other places.

 The Facebook page  talks about what PositiveEye is about, and by subscribing to it you can keep up to date.


It is also worth checking out for activities for braillists, that are suitable for all ages, and which sighted people can join in with.  For instance;

  • CountdownIncludes numbers and some knowledge of maths sequences
  • Braille Jumblerequires Grade 3/4  ability to answer, unscramble braille letters and then type in the word
  • Secret Message can be played with a friend of sibling


It is possible for braillists with some sight to zoom in and see the screen enough to decode the braille symbol, and then use touch typing skills.

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