Meet the team
We are all part of the Tower Hamlets Language, Literacy and Communication Team, which consists of four advisory teachers, three for language and literacy and one for Assistive Technology.
Linda Hall
I manage the LLC Team. I started teaching in Tower Hamlets as an early years teacher and I live and work in the borough.
Alison Haines
I’m an advisory teacher in the LLC Team. I’ve been teaching in London since 1987, and have a particular interest in literacy.
Jenny Jones
I’m an advisory teacher in the LLC Team. I’ve been teaching in London since 1984 and was a SENCo for many years. I have an interest in literacy.
Tracey Grant
I have a strong interest in language and literacy difficulties. I have been a mainstream teacher and a manager of a language resource base in Tower Hamlets.
Ben Annett
I have taught in a range of settings, primarily SEND and alternative provisions. I am interested in the the use of technology to improve inclusion.
Lisa Richman
I’m an advisory teacher in the LLC Team. I’ve been a mainstream teacher in London since 1995 and I am also a SENCO. I have a particular interest in language difficulties and literacy.