Posts Tagged ‘RLI’

World Down Syndrome Day March 21, 2024

The Language, Literacy and Communication team have introduced an intervention this year to improve reading and language outcomes for children with Down Syndrome this year. We are using The Reading and Language Intervention for Children with Down Syndrome (RLI) developed by DSE UK.

The intervention is an evidenced-based teaching programme which supplements and supports regular teaching with daily 1:1 intervention sessions and is carefully targeted to the needs of each pupil.

We are currently working with 10 primary schools, and about 17 pupils, and we look forward to seeing how well they progress.

We offer 2 half day training days, as well as visiting schools before and after the intervention begins to provide support and guidance to the Teaching Assistants running the programme.

We hope to run the programme again in the Autumn term for any schools that did not take part in the first cohort.

Please note we are only currently offering this to Tower Hamlets Schools but if numbers allow, this may change.