Posts Tagged ‘learning advisory service’

5min PPT: #NAPLICResources (9)

Here is our latest PowerPoint from our 5 minutes for Inclusion Series

We wanted to showcase some of the great information, resources and advice available from the NAPLIC website to support communication in your classroom. NAPLIC is a national organisation of professionals which supports language and communication development. We hope you find it useful.

Download the PowerPoint below.

Dyslexia Awareness Week 3-9th October 2022

dyslexia awareness week
click here for details of BDA events

The Learning Advisory Service are marking this week with some online training. We have a session on 4th October from 4 pm

Here is the zoom link:

If you want a copy of the presentation, you can down load it here:

There is also session for parents on ‘Supporting Struggling Readers’ on Thursday 6th October at 10.30 a.m.:

You can download the slides here