Archive of ‘5 minutes for inclusion’ category

5min PPT: #NAPLICResources (9)

Here is our latest PowerPoint from our 5 minutes for Inclusion Series

We wanted to showcase some of the great information, resources and advice available from the NAPLIC website to support communication in your classroom. NAPLIC is a national organisation of professionals which supports language and communication development. We hope you find it useful.

Download the PowerPoint below.

5min PPT: #BlanksLevels (8) Blank’s Levels of Questioning

Have a look at the latest PowerPoint from our 5 Minutes for Inclusion Series.

Understanding Blanks levels of questions helps you to ask questions which are at the right level for the pupils you teach. Language comprehension skills are precious and important to a child’s development – they’re foundational to most areas of our lives – so noticing any areas where a child appears to be struggling early on can be extremely helpful.

Download this weeks PowerPoint below.

5min PPT: #ImmersiveReader (6)

As part of our “5 Minutes for Inclusion” series, here is a short PowerPoint introducing Immersive Reader, a powerful and free tool built into Microsoft products.

It’s effective at increasing the reading fluency and comprehension of your learners, supporting students with learning differences like Dyslexia, and helping emerging readers build their confidence.

Click below to download the PowerPoint:

5min PPT: #ImmersiveReader (6).pptx

5min PPT: #Signalong (5)

As part of our “5 Minutes for Inclusion” series, here is a short PowerPoint talking about Signalong . You can learn some Christmas signs to use with your students. Signalong is designed to help hearing people with learning or communication difficulties by:

  • using key word signing system based on BSL
  • having one sign for one concept
  • following a clear methodology for forming signs

For more information visit or contact

Click below:

SIgnalong for Christmas

5min PPT: #Memory (4)

As part of our “5 Minutes for Inclusion” series, a short PowerPoint to support a training session containing tips for working with children who have poor memory. Strategies such as

  • Chunking information
  • Simplifying
  • Presenting information clearly (aka “differentiation by input”)

Many thanks to Neil MacKay and “The Memory Lite Classroom” from which these ideas are taken.

Click below:

5min PPT: #Spelling (3)

Why can spelling be so hard for those with dyslexia?

Spelling can be challenging because people with dyslexia can have difficulty in:

  • Using sounds
  • Sequencing letters
  • Remembering things
  • Processing quickly and fluently
  • Motor co-ordination

Download our PowerPoint here!

If you have any comments or find our resources helpful, please leave a comment below!


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